Great Music

Great Music at Calvary is a musical offering made freely to God and for the benefit of the Western New York community. Comprised of special services, recitals, and concerts, these musical offerings form the centerpiece of our music ministry.

Recent past seasons have included masterworks such as Vesperae Solennes de Confessore (W.A. Mozart), Membra Jesu Nostri (Dietrich Buxtehude), The St. John Passion by Bob Chilcott, and the Requiem of Gabriel Fauré.

For more information, please contact, or check back early in 2021.   

Carillon Concert Series

Calvary's Concert series runs for several Wednesdays in July and early August. Bring a lawn chair and listen from outdoors, or indoors in case of rain. Refreshments available. Handicapped accessible. All Carillon concerts begin at 7:00 p.m., followed by a second musical group at 8:00 p.m.