
Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself on your journey of faith, you are welcome here at Calvary Church -- where we are joyfully and energetically committed to living out Jesus' central messages of love, justice, and compassion. Our community is made up of families and singles, children and seniors, all representing a diversity of ethnicities, races, sexual orientations, interests, and backgrounds. People who come through our doors include visitors, longtime members, associated friends, and seekers open to where God may be leading them.

What is worship like at Calvary?

Calvary is a liturgical church, where we follow specific church seasons and our worship follows a prescribed order of service. We gather together to hear Bible readings and a sermon. Next, we pray together. We then celebrate Holy Communion together and are sent back out into the world. Most of our prayers are found in the Book of Common Prayer.

I’m not Episcopalian. Can I come to your church? 

All are welcome, regardless of faith, creed, gender, disability, sexual orientation, age. Not to put too fine a point on it: all are welcome.

I have small children. Can we attend services? 

By all means. Calvary is family-friendly, and your children may either remain with you during services or you may take advantage of Sunday nursery care. There are also a number of Sunday School opportunities. Also, nursery care for children three years of age and under is available during the 10:00 a.m. service.

Am I welcome to receive Holy Communion? 

All are welcome to the Lord's Table at Calvary Church. If you have questions or wish to know more about  Holy Communion, you are welcome to speak to our clergy.

How do I get to Calvary?

Calvary Church is located at 20 Milton Street, on the corner of South Cayuga.

Parking: On Sunday mornings, parking in the lot adjacent to the church is reserved for those with mobility challenges. More parking is available on Milton Street and surrounding streets as well as the municipal lot on South Cayuga Road just south of Main Street.

Handicap Accessibility: An elevator is located just inside the entrance off the parking lot. The church is one level up on the elevator. Hughson Hall, where many events and meetings are held, is two levels up. Sunday School is located on the entry level.

What are my next steps?

Worship with us! Please join us for Sunday Services at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m., Saturday Service at 4 p.m., or click here for a complete list of worship services for the week. 

Sign up for our email.

Visit the table in the back of the church to learn more about opportunities for ministry and fellowship at Calvary. 

Join us for hospitality following the Sunday 10:00 a.m. service. This is a time for coffee and informal conversation. Get to know some of our members.

Contact our rector The Rev. Robert Harvey to learn more about membership and becoming confirmed or received. He will ask you to download and complete this Household Information Form for Calvary to learn more about you.

While church membership is not required to be a part of the Calvary community, formal membership for many people provides a greater sense of belonging, accountability, and opportunity for leadership in the parish. Members commit themselves to give of their time, talents, and treasure to support the work of the church, and after a year of membership they are eligible to vote in parish elections. Membership is a wonderful step on a lifelong path of growth toward spiritual maturity, and Calvary clergy are always ready to discuss with you any part of your journey.