Pastoral Care is the shared ministry
of loving one another and serving as God’s heart
and hands here on earth.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is the shared ministry
of loving one another and serving as God’s heart
and hands here on earth.
When to call a priest:
Please notify the Rector at any time of personal crisis, illness, or life-changing event. HIPPA confidentiality laws do not permit hospitals to notify the church when you or a loved one are hospitalized.
In case of a pastoral emergency, please call (716) 633-7800.
After business hours, call: (716) 263-2392.
The Pastoral Care Team
Led by the Rector and Sharon Jackson, the Pastoral Care Team meets monthly to address the on-going needs of the congregation and friends
within the community. While meetings are confidential, we rely upon the members of the parish to alert us
when someone is ill and in need of care. Please contact the
parish office (633-7800) with pastoral
care needs.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Eucharistic Visitors extend the connection to the communion table for those who are not able to attend services at Calvary. Let the church know if you or someone you know would like to receive Holy Communion at home.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry
One way we share the warmth of the congregation with those who cannot be physically present is to provide them with a handmade prayer shawl. Prayer shawls are delivered by the Eucharistic Visitors, but also are available to others upon request. Let the church know if you would like to knit or crochet shawls or if you know of someone who should receive a shawl.
Contact Sharon Jackson or the parish office.
Eucharistic Visitors may download this report form.
Congregational Care
The Congregational Care Team sends out cards and small remembrances and makes friendly phone calls. The Team sends care packages to our college students and organizes to meet any needs that arise for the members. Volunteers are welcome.
Contact Elizabeth Harten or the parish office.
The Flower Ministry
The members of the Flower Ministry divide the donated altar flower arrangements into smaller bouquets to be delivered to parishioners who are ill, homebound, or celebrating a special occasion. This ministry brings great joy to everyone served.
Contact Ellie Yuhasz or the parish office.
The Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain quietly, confidentially, and promptly responds to all prayer requests that come directly from parishioners, from the clergy, or from submitted Prayer Request Cards located in the pews.
Anyone may request prayers by filling out a Prayer Request Card found in the pews, by calling the parish office at 633-7800, or by emailing
Contact George Mayer or the parish office.
Funeral Receptions
This most compassionate ministry is available to families following a funeral or memorial service held at the church.
Contact Karen Davidson or the parish office, 633-7800.
Good Grief
This peer support group is for those who have suffered any loss, such as a loved one, a job, health, a marriage or a relationship.
Come to listen or come to talk. Come to cry or try to laugh. Come join the group to lighten the heaviness in your heart. Know that you are in the presence of others who understand and are confident in the knowledge that God loves you. People of any - or no - denomination are welcome.
Good Grief usually meets at 9:30 a.m. on the last Saturday of the month. Check the calendar.
Contact Ellen Marshall, Patty Rooss or the parish office.